Here are Ali's touring thoughts:
Yesterday was another day of touring. The other famlies had gone to their own provinces to get their children, so so we were on our own with Sherry, our guide. We started out taking rickshaws (which I assure you all is very humane, quite possibly even more humane than those horse drawn carriage rides downtown). It was a really nice way to see the city, very calm and relaxing.
After riding around in the rickshaws for a little while, we got to visit a quarter house (a sort of old fashioned house with a courtyard in the middle) and drink tea and talk to the guy who owned it. He said that during the olympics some friends of the athletes stayed with him, which was cool.
After that we went to a famous resturant in Old Beijing, which was excellent, then to a kindergarten to visit some of the little kids. This was to show us what the orphanage was like.
We also went to the Temple of Heaven, which was very cool. It was less crowded than some of the other tourist sites which was nice. We saw some people dancing and singing in the park...just relaxing and having a good time. I think group dancing in the parks is more of a typical culture thing here, compared to the US.
Then we went to the markets. It was an experience, I'll tell you that! Tong Tong saw a t-shirt that had a picture of "Aoteman", a chinese superhero on it. He LOVED that shirt and pretty much went crazy over it. We bought it for him, and when we got back to the hotel he put it on right away. After that...things got a bit out of control... He ran around, saying, "Aoteman! Aoteman!" for maybe an hour or so. Wow.
Dear Bullington famiy, What a beautiful son/brother our Lord has given you. I am so proud of all of you. Jen, I will pray for Tong Tong and his bonding. Please believe me when I tell you something changes when you get home and there are no Chinese translators and Chinese people and Chinese food. He will bond to you. He will depend on. He will love you. Keep trusting in our God who is the Father to the fatherless. He will supply all you (and James) need. Much love and joy! Tammy Chapman
I am thinking of you and praying for you!! I wish I had some pearls of wisdom to give to you. Just keep trusting in the Lord and He will guide you.
Jenn (AWAA)
Dear Mike, Jennifer and family -- I just wanted to chime in from McD's halfway around the world in Oak Brook. It is a heart-warming thrill for all of us to be able to follow your wonderful journey. Of course, we love the fact that Tong Tong enjoys our french fries, ice cream, and chicken nuggets! He is precious. But more than that, we love witnessing all of you coming together as a family. Tong Tong is one fortunate little boy, with an incredible future ahead of him thanks to your generosity. God bless you. Susan McBride
I just saw your post on the yahoo group. I have been following your journey but hadn't caught up on the last couple days as I was out of town.
Please KNOW that I am praying for you. I just saw the Chapmans comment and I will have to agree that when you get home and all the "new" things become familiar it changes them so much. I will pray for strength and peace for you as James learns to trust you...it WILL come...I know it is just hard as you wait.
I am so excited for you guys to come home so that I can meet Tong Tong! :)
I have been praying for you guys and your trip, and I was so happy to see the pictures of your beautiful new son and brother! I am glad that you guys are depending so strong on the Lord in this time, and I am so excited to see what God can teach you guys now with James in your family!
I miss you a TON!! I can't wait for you to come home, but I hope that you're having an awesome time in China! I am excited to see you again, and I can't wait for you to be here so you can tell me your China stories!
I love you!
Kim :)
Praying for you from Beijing! Hang in there, you know that God brought you to this place and He will bring about a resolution that is beyond your expectations! But until that happens, know that your AWAA family is lifting you in prayer!
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