This morning, my Dad, Caroline, and myself all went to Chairman Mao's tomb to get out of the hotel. It was QUITE the experience... More on that when we get home! We waited in a very long line to see Mao's remains (though we, and our new Irish tourist friends, all agreed that it looked suspiciously like wax). After going through the tomb room, the line went right into a gift shop-just like the rides at Six Flags!
Tong Tong had another fun day, with more new games. We bought him an Aoteman action figure at Carrefour, which he loved playing with. He loves getting out of the hotel room.
Yesterday he would not get out of his stroller the entire day. We started calling it his wheelchair, because he wouldn't get out even to retrieve his fallen toys. As soon as he got out for his bath, we hid it in the closet. Today he didn't use it at all...
Scratch that. He just found the wheelchair and is now sitting in it. Lovely.
Tomorrow is our last day in Beijing before we depart for Guangzhou. We are going to church in the morning, and I'm not sure what else we'll be doing after that.
Love from China,
Wow, that boy is cute!!!!
Number two!
I hope you all have learned a bit of Chinese. If you have not, I request that you learn how to say "In my house". I have learned that phrase in five languages and would like to add another. I would also love to see and hear some stuff about your tomb visit. I've always wanted to go to China. You, my friends, car living my desire. I am jealous.
Hope things are going well!
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