As we are writing this, we are sitting in the Starbucks of our absurdly luxurious hotel. (What?!, You say, Starbucks?!?! In CHINA!?!?! You are enjoying assorted beverages at an AMERICAN CHAIN RESTAURANT?! Yes, we say, We are. This is the only place we currently know of with free wifi. Also, the music is in English, and it smells like home.) We are thankful to have arrived here safely after a relatively uneventful flight, during which Tong Tong did nothing but sleep.
Today we went to the "medical exam" if you want to call it that... Tong Tong was very well behaved and didn't cry at all, though that's not saying much, as they didn't actually do much. We are looking forward to getting home to our doctors to see what surgery, if any, Tong Tong had.
We got to meet up with the other families in our adoption group during the "medical exams". It was so nice to see them and meet the newest members of their families! After the "exams", we got to go shopping with them on Shaimen (sp?) Island. The stores here are really cool, a bit reminiscent of New Orleans.
After shopping, we all went to dinner together at an American (sort of) restaurant, Lucy's. The food was good and we enjoyed spending time with one another. We got to dine al fresco, and the beautiful weather and glowing atmosphere made for a great night. After dinner, all the kids started playing a sort of Chinese hacky sack game, which was awesome (blossom extra awesome). Later, we went to a nearby river, which was breathtaking (in a corporately toxic, neon lights sort of way).
Things are going pretty well with Tong Tong. It is really a process and I am thinking of many things as I look at this sweet little boy. He is fighting himself as he wants me and Baba more, but also wants to rely on himself and remain independent. When he has been sick he has called out for mama and then can't seem to allow himself to easily come to me and accept my love. He is learning one day at a time. He is definitely strong willed and we have seen some T time (temper tantrums! with a capitol T!) He is understandably tired and trying to understand all that is going on with his life. I look at him as he sleeps and it makes me sad to think of the three years without a mom and dad to love him.
I just want to thank you all for your prayers. I truly feel them and know that God is giving us strength and hope and all I need to meet every challenge. I cannot imagine walking this journey without God right by our sides. We are so thankful for this journey and all God will do in it.
Love from Starbucks,
Ali and Jenn
Bullingtons: Absolutely fantastic journey to be on. sounds like Tong Tong has already adopted your family and will be ruling his Mundelein home as soon as you return. We cannot wait to meet "Little Bulldog" and get to know him over the years. Congrats and Mazol Tov!!!
Hooray for a good flight to Guangzhou with a sleeping little boy. Hooray for Starbucks and free wi-fi. Hooray for a luxurious hotel and nice weather and new friends to shop and go to dinner with. God is so good. Just a few more days and you will be home!!!!!!
How has the weather been? Looking foward to seeing your new family soon. All of this must make you very tired. You look like you have your hands full Tong Tong. Are you going to keep calling James by this? Miss ya, Uncle Bob
Yes, it is the fourth.
Greetings from boring old Mundelein, where all that's changed is the weather and the length of the grass.
Once again, Tong Tong has my greatest sympathy going through what he is. He is such a trooper. I'm not even sure I would be as brave as he is.
I look forward to meeting this little bundle of tough stuff and see what he has in store for Mundelein.
I wish you all well.
~Arika. (According to my computer, my name is spelled wrong. This continual chastising and correction given to me everywhere from computers alike make me feel that I have failed somewhat big at life...)
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