Today we went went to an exotic foods market with our friends in our adoption group. We saw live scorpions (fried for your convenience!), turtles, dried snakes, entire goats, dried fish, dried frogs, roasted pigs (the entire body, because who wants to miss out on the innards?), bags of small insects, dried seahorses, and some spices. It was quite the experience...and we didn't even see it in all its glory-apparently the government shut a large part of it down a few years ago because it was just too disgusting. It still is rather unsanitary. Imagine streets, stained not with tire marks, but with the blood of animals. Lovely. We were all very glad we got to see this, however. It was really something you have to see to believe...which is why we've included photos. Does it make you sick just to look at them? Yeah. Well, imagine how we felt.
After that, we went shopping in a bunch of little stores. They have some really cool stuff around here. We got Tong Tong some Aoteman squeaky shoes, which he absolutely loved. Everyone is getting better at bargaining, even Claire. As for me, I find it somewhat intimidating and unnecessary. A shopkeeper and I were haggling over the price of a [item will not be disclosed here, as it is a gift for someone reading this blog], I wanted 40 yuan and she wanted 45 yuan. We argued for like 10 minutes, when finally I realized that 5 yuan is less than a dollar, so I just gave up and paid the 45 yuan. Everything is so cheap here, I don't really see the purpose in bargaining, when you can have a peaceful transaction for just a few yuan (cents!) more.
Tong Tong is still having some major temper tantrums. I don't think I have seen a tantrum like this in my life. I think there is so much we have to remember about all our dear son has been through when all of these things are going on. We are in another hotel room with new routines and all the things James ever knew in his life are gone. His friends are gone, his nannies are gone, and all of his routines and comforts are gone. As we were arranging the luggage, he came over and started folding laundry. He does this so happily, like he enjoys anything that reminds him of his old life. There is so much of his old routine that we know nothing about. As much as we try to establish new routine it is hard, because of the things we need to do for the adoption and just all that is going on here. I wish I knew what his routine was, including what he likes to eat and all the other basic things. I think transitioning is very hard for him. This morning when he was changing from pajamas to clothes to go to breakfast he had a major meltdown. It takes him quite a while to calm down also. His tantrums ignite in a moment, and when he starts, there's no stopping him. He throws himself on the floor and begins screaming. Then when we try to pick him up he fights with everything he has. Tonight we went to dinner and he just screamed and I had to leave with him because I couldn't even get him to sit. I think getting home to some consistency and routine will be a great help. It will take a while we know, but there is sunshine ahead and we see beautiful glimmers of it already. We love this little boy. Later, after dinner (which Mike brought to the hotel room for me and Tong Tong) he was playing with all of us, laughing hysterically... He loves life so much. He brings such happiness to others (That's what they told us in his referral, and we know now that it's true!).
Much love to all you slackers who don't comment,
Ali and Jenn
YUMMMY!!!! Think of all culinary possibilities. So many things you just can't get in the states...legally anyway. Sounds like an interesting day guys!
You are very close to coming home and setting up your own routines here, it will happen in time, and James will learn that once he is home. T time is just a phase...until he gets settled here it will be tough. But who is more prepared than you and Mike to handle him with such love and patience? He is where he should be, with you. See you soon! YEAH!!!
Love you, Colleen
Can't wait to meet this little sweetie! Can't wait to see all of you! Love you!!!
Just so you know, I email. Not comment. I actually didn't even know I could comment until I saw that little hidden button at the bottom. I will now proceed to comment on every single post you have on here about your adventures in China!
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