View outside hotel again-people on those bikes with the holder thing in back
After a veryyy long day, we are now in Beijing!!
This morning we drove to my Uncle Joe's house, since he was our ride to the airport. We were very happy to find that our sweet cousins Joey and Meg had stayed home from school to wish us goodbye! Our Aunt Coll and Aunt Kathy and Uncle Joe were all there as well. We had such a fun time and it was nice to see everyone and hug them all one last time before we leave.
At the airport we got through customs, security, etc without a hitch which was nice. The plane ride was really long (well, obviously, but it seemed longer than I had thought it would be). The food was mediocre at best and inedible at worst...but I mean, what do you expect from airplane food? We also went through customs at Beijing very smoothly, which was nice.
We met our guide and she seems very nice as well...
We just got back from a Caurfore (sp?), which is like a Chinese wal-mart. Let me tell you, that was an experience in and of itself. People miss around frantically in this HUGE store, all getting a million different things. The meat/fish section was huge and they even had this big tank with all these fish that you could pay a guy to kill for your dinner. We didn't get much-just some pop and water, but WOW it's in places like that where you can tell you're in a different country!
We get James tomorrow around 10 or 11 am (which is 11 pm Thursday night your time). We are all very excited...Please pray for James as this will be a very scary thing for him.
We are all very jet lagged and I'm not exactly sure I'm talking sense in this post, so, until tomorrow....
Love, Ali
Yeah! You are safe and sound! I kept telling the kids yesterday..They are probably over the atlantic now, oh now they are over the north pole, guessing of course. We are so glad you are safe and cannot wait to hear about tomorrow! Love the pictures! You are sleeping now and are dreaming of James I am sure! Love you guys! Colleen (coo coo)
Oh, if you went to the Carrefour are you at the Radison? I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your family with James!
Kristi (AWAA family)
Your view from the hotel window looks just like the view we had a couple of years ago. In the morining, there will be ladies (the ones we saw were in costume) practicing a traditional dance. Hope you see them... but then... just maybe... you will be tooo busy getting JAMES . We are praying in Illinois for a smooth and blessed transition!
The Serby's
Watching your trip...wow, in just over an hour you will have him!
Praying for James and all of you.
Another AW family!
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