Saturday, September 20, 2008

Where is James...

James is in an orphanage in Beijing and I have seen some photos of the orphanage recently and wanted to show them. It appears to be a pretty large facility and cares for children of all ages. James has probably received our care package in the last few days. After you receive your approval you are allowed to send a package. Our orphanage currently doesn't allow much to be sent, but we were able to send a translated letter, photo album, and a disposable camera. It was fun to compose the letter to him and tell him how excited we are to have him in our family. I had to remember I was writing what would be read to a three year old. I was also able to send 20 photos of his new family and some activities. I did send one of the snowstorm and hope it doesn't scare him because actually all of that snow started to scare me! It will be great to have him familiar with us. The disposable camera will record him in his environment now. Those photos will be precious and I cannot wait to see them. I hope to have some photos of him with his nannies who I know love him very much. That will be so great to have because it will probably be the only photos I have of James in China. The first photo is of the neighborhood outside the orphanage. The days are getting long sometimes as I just want to bring him home! I pray each day his heart is being prepared for this big transition into our family and all the changes ahead. I know our hearts are being prepared as we wait and dream of the days ahead.

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