We want to write this blog as a record of the journey God has taken us on and His faithfulness along the way. I want our child to read this and be able to really see our great God in their story. This journey began in our hearts long ago but it began to take flight in December of 2006. At the dinner table one night Mike and I both discovered we had conversations about adoption that day. I had spoke to my hair person who has fostered and adopted many kids. I told her how wonderful it was that her and her husband had done this. I shared the wonderful verse in James 1:27 with her...."Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and keep oneself from being polluted by the world." Mike spoke of a conversation with a man at his office that had visited orphanages in China and the heartbreak of all these orphans and this was something that had tugged at Mike's heart before. We had actually spoken of this years before after watching a documentary, but actually stepping into this and doing it was a different story! That night we spoke of the possibility of God desiring us to become involved in this. We decided we would pray about it and seek God's plan. Why not us-but there were the roadblocks-and there were many, but if God was in this He would make it happen! God spoke to us clearly in many ways in the following months! In fact looking back on my journals just prior to this I can see God was preparing my heart for something big...It seemed everywhere we turned was confirmation that this was God's plan. From the time our family was in the car all listening intently to a radio program on the orphan crisis centered around the verse in James, to the CD I received that Christmas from my sister Colleen who had no idea this was even going on in our hearts! It was a Steven Curtis Chapman CD...I knew his story and had just heard it on that radio program. I didn't open the CD until I got home because I had a feeling God would speak through it. I sat on my bed and cried as I read the story of adoption and the card that fell out "ever considered adoption?"! I smile at the creative ways God confirmed His plan and it scares me to think we may have missed this incredible opportunity. When we thought about all the obstacles, we could have said no. Thankfully the call to obedience to His plan prevailed!
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