James on the dunes and James and Ali running down the dunes!

Claire having her face painted!
Where has the summer gone! It has been a whirlwind of a summer. We were so sorry that Mike's sister Donna passed away on her birthday and we are so thankful for Mike and Ali's time in Arizona. There time in Arizona was a time of prayer and God bringing His peace in many ways. It was a wonderful opportunity God gave Mike to talk to his sister and tell her how much he loved her and day goodbye. It was a way for Ali to minister to all in her prayers and support. I am so proud of her. Mike, James and I flew out at the beginning of July for the services. We went with Mike's brother Bob and sisters LuAnn and Lisa. It was good to be there with all of the family. It is still hard to believe it has happened and so sad to think of her three kids and husband left behind. Such comfort and such peace comes in knowing without a doubt she is with the Lord and her suffering is over. We ask for continued prayers for Donna's family.
July brought the annual dad and kids campout. I thought James should stay at home, but all insisted that he should go and boy was he ready to go! He was in his carseat buckled up before Mike was even home to leave! He had the time of his life! There were some times when he wanted mama, but the girls and Mike helped him pull through! I had the weekend to myself and painted two rooms! I also got to go to dinner with my two sisters and my sister in law!