We said our goodbyes to my sister Lisa last week and she left for China. It was so great to have her here for Christmas and also spending time with her when we were in China. We probably won't see her again until spring. We went to meet Lisa and have dinner at the mall and Aunt Lisa got quite a greeting when James saw her. He ran up to her and gave her a big hug. He probably can't figure her out-she is in China she is here. We picked up a couple things for James at the mall and he insisted on carrying his shopping bag around it was so cute.
James slept in his own bed all night long for one night! Unfortunately it was only a night-but now when he comes in our room he has a place set up on the floor to sleep-we finally figured out none of us were getting much sleep with him in our bed. He seems quite happy with his little bed on the floor. Other news-James made his first "A"! I have been working with him on that since we arrived home and he isn't too fond of pen and paper, so I think it may be a long time on the alphabet, which is fine.
Other notes- James went to his first soccer game of the girls and enjoyed it. I think he'd rather be out there though. We went down in the basement and played some soccer kicking the ball around. James looked at my slippers and said "Sitong shoes" I think he thought I was kicking it harder with my slippers and he wanted to kick harder also. I went up and got his shoes and I think he still felt it wasn't as hard and far as he wanted. We had three balls down there and all of the sudden he started whipping the balls at me and it became a game of him bombarding me. I got a pretty huge laugh out of it! He felt he could have more power with throwing it. Maybe we will have another sport in the family besides soccer... bombardment, dodgeball, baseball, volleyball?
I think our computer is dying...I can't seem to upload any of my new photos. I have some good ones, so hopefully I can figure this out soon!